Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Wednesday whiffs...

Hello. I have had nice times sleeping with mummy & soaking up the sun on my special chair in the porch - I even got to warm my furry tootsies on the bricks!

I have been having such a relax I havent been doing my patrols and now there is an enemy in the mummy found a strange black cat in the utility room eating my noms! He rand away when he saw her, cos he is obviously a big scaredy cat. He keeps coming back and making smelly sprays. It's icky.

Mummy says when she gets a day off she'll find out where he lives. I don't know what she's going to do when she finds out....maybe she'll spray smellys in his kitchen...? I don't care. If you want me I'll be under the big tree in the garden watching the squirrels run along the fence....


  1. Winston, você tem uma barriga bonita! Espero que sua mamãe consiga afastar esse intruso que está comendo toda a sua comida.

  2. Uh oh. It's not good to have somebody eating your food, and then spraying all about to boot!

  3. You must have had lots of nice dreams napping in the sun like that...dreams of yummy food and nip. We hope you find out who is eating your noms! -Whipple and pepper
