Monday 17 March 2014

Looking for the nom thief...

Today I tried to find the fluffy black cat that is eating my noms and making my castle whiffy.
I didn't find the nom thief.
I found Tommy.
This is Tommy.
Tommy does naughty fings and the neighbours blames me cos they is clearly blind and cant sees we look TOTALLY different!

Tommy doesn't eat my noms, cos when he sees me he runs away.
He is a big scardey cat. I is only trying to play wiv him.
He is a bit stoopid. This is Tommy hiding. He is RUBBISH at hiding.

I spent some time in the garden wiv mummy today and we played wiv my ball for a while, then I got distracted by other smelly fings....


  1. Querido Winston, parece que você cansou de jogar bola com sua mamãe, eu estava gostando de assistir. Espero que Tommy aprenda a se esconder melhor hehehe

  2. Yea! We run really fast! Like super fast! Tommy looks fun to play with. Too bad he is kinda scared. Maybe if you keep trying to play with him, he will see that it is all in fun and games! He might get used to you :)

  3. Ha ha ha ha about Tommy! It's nice that your mummy plays ball with you. But humans give up easily if you don't humor them with attention!
