Monday, 3 November 2014

Family portrait...

So one day in the summer time I was thrown into my carry cage and taken out to the car. I fort I was going to the V-E-T again, but nope, I got taken into the big town for a day running around a different house.

Mummy tricked Daddy AND me into going to the foto studio. Mummy's idea was to have family piktures. My idea woz to run around as fast as possible misbehaving. I even got toys to play wiv and treats to eat!

I played at the top of the stairs...under the the the shop the office bit...but I DIDN'T play in front of the camera!

After a lot of chasing (I won) Mummy decided she was exhausted and Daddy said somefing 'bout needing a holly-day and that the day had gone as well as could be expected, I decided to sit still for exactly twelve-ty nine seconds and got mine posh foto taken.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

I am BACK!

So the stoopid mummy gotted new technologys and couldn't get my blog to work so I haff a million stories from the summer to tell everybody who will listen.
I spent most of the summer playink in the garden, sometimes I stayed out ALL night and just comed back in the window for foods. I haff defended my castle well, and now nobody comes in to steel my noms. There woz a fox in the garden one night (I chased it away) then another night there woz a badger and I chased that away too! The kingdom is all mine! MINE! (Though I still haff to share the end of the street a little bit wiv Tommy and Chloe)...
I'll fill you in on more adventures next time - right now I has a LOT of blogger friends to catch up wiv :)

Monday, 14 July 2014

Lunch statistics

Number of times....

Mummy has come home from her new work to have lunch wiv me : 15

I haf been at home waiting to have lunch wiv mummy : 8

Mummy has shared her turkey sammich wiv me : 4 (this needs to be improved)

I haf met mummy at the corner of the street wiv a mousie wiggling out of my mouff  : 2

I haf caught mummy stroking Tommy : 1 (he had better watch out, rubbing his stinky face on MY moms legs is out of order)

I haf still been in bed asleep in the same position as when mummy left for work : 5

I haf had lunch ready for mummy when she gets in : 1 (see photo below)

Friday, 27 June 2014

Mousies, mousies everywhere!

So...this week I has been in trouble for throwink a live mouse at mummy (she is a RUBBISH catcher) and bringink back a dead one and eating it on the lawn. Honestly, I can't win....what does she WANT me to do wiv dem?

Thursday, 19 June 2014

A bloggers return...

Well, I feel very sad that mummy hasn't helped wiv my blog in ages but we have had a tough few weeks...first, poor Analise the grey lady kitty died from poorly kidneys. Then the next week my kitty buddy Rodney was taken ill while we were playink at kitty Chloe's house, Chloe's humin ran to get Rodneys humin but it was too late, poor Rodney died too. So we are two kitties down for play times now.

On top  of this, mummy got her new job (hurrah) but her old boss won't pay her moneys so she has had to get a solicitor to make him cough up. Mummy's new job is only a sneeze away - it takes 4 minutes to get there which means she can come home for lunch wiv me!

It is lovely & warm now, I want to be outside ALL the time! Mummy has decided that as I am now so good at climbing up the house & the weather is so good she will leave the bedroom window open for me all night so I can come & go as I please. So far this arrangement is working out well...

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Do I really need a new bag?

Mummy seems to fink she needs anuffer trip to New York. She broughted me a huge Macy's bag last time which I haf played in for AGES. I fink it is still in tip top condition and she doesn't need to go all that way for a new one - actually, I have made some improvements to it...
I can still hide in it....see! 
I even put in spy holes...this is the best bag in the world!!!

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Put that dirt back on my face!

I like it when the sun is shiney cos the soil is dry and warm and I like to roll over and over and over in it. The only problem is when I gets home the hoomins always try to cleans me. It takes me AGES to build up a nice amount of dirt on my furs....
 This is the dirt mummy rubbed off one of my ears and my forehead. I miss it. It was keeping me cool. Put it back.

Here I am looking less than impressed after getting wiped wiv the nasty flannel. What's wrong wiv a bit of dirt anyway? I fink it highlights my cheek bones...

Monday, 19 May 2014


Wowzers, the weather is AMAZING! It is so good I haf forgotton to go to sleep since Fursday.
Yesterday mummy and daddy stopped me going outside and made me sleep. I was a bit stroppy at first but when I felld asleep I slept ALL day. Now my sleepy pattern is back to normal mummy says I'm much more chilled out. She had a job interview today so afterwards she spent the whole afternon playink wiv me in the garden, it was lovely!

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Where is the food hidden?

It's lovely and sunny so I got to warm my butt on the patio all day.

Also, I woke mummy up at 4am today by sticking my wet nose in her mouth. I woz looking for leftover foods to put in my starving belly.  She wasn't impressed. But I woz really hungry, I felt much better after I had eaten a whole plate of lamb & gravy....mmmm....

Sunday, 11 May 2014

At last!!

Finally Auntie Suzy goes away again and mummy can help me wiv my blog and I can get back to sleeping in Aunty Suzy's my bed. She hasn't gone back to work though, she's in to Italy now for her holly days. AND she didn't even ask me if I wanted to go wiv her. I wud like to eat pizza by the big lake in the sun. But no. I has to stay here in the wind and the rain and get all soggy in the garden chasing bugs.

So today wos VERY boring. I had to just give up and get mummy to make a tent wiv the duvet so I could haf a sleep in the big bed. (My feet got too hot so I had to stick them out...)

I am hoping that tomorrow will be sunny, warm and full of frogs to chase...

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Can it be true?!

I heard mummy say Aunty Suzy is coming back from her work in Austria for a week and will be stayink here in my her old room!

Hey, Aunty Suzy, do you remember that time you said you were going to bed & I raced you up the stairs? I got there first didn't I?!

We have fun togevver don't we!!! I'm looking forward to having someone else to wake up at 4 wants to come mousing wiv me?

Monday, 28 April 2014

Who are you & why are you sitting on my step?

Just what do you fink you are doing, Sir? Dis is MY castle. Why is you not looking at me when I hiss at you through the windows? You KNOW I'm going to bite mummy until she let's me out to chase you...

Friday, 25 April 2014

I has an ouchie...

I came home at 1.15am the night before last wiv a sore bum. I has a big cut on my butt. It was so hurty that when mummy washed it wiv salt water I hissed at her. I was sooo down if the dumps I didn't go out at all on Wednesday. I stayed in mummies bed. I only ate acos she broughted me my tuna & shrimp in bed...I gobbled it all up & went back to sleep again. It seems to be healing nicely today, though the hoomins still keep pinning me down to check on it, & I HATE being pinned down.

On a happy note, I has nice neighbours...

Sunday, 20 April 2014

I gots an award!!! YOO HOO!!!! 

 Wowee! I gots a YOO HOO award! Fanks Whipple & Pepper, you are both totally pawsome!

Here are the rules for accepting the YOO-HOO award:
  1. Post the award on your blog and thank the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Visit at least three of the blogs that are receiving the award along with you and leave a comment.
3. Tell us all three things you have to celebrate, things for which you are thankful.
4. Pass along the award to seven other bloggers and let them know you have done so. 

So here we go....
1. Fank you Whipple & Pepper for sending dis lovely award!

2. I has visited 3 others that won the award wiv me and said hello, they are...

3. Free fings that I am fankful for are... 
Sunshine. Wivout it the soil would not get warm and dry for me to roll around in it.
Mummy & Daddy. They cuddles me a lot, they feeds me their dinner, they gets rid of my ouchies and they play wiv me a LOT.
Frogs & Mice Wivout them I would not have things to play wiv in the garden. The hedgehogs don't move quick enough (& they give me flees) the squirrels are afraid of me, the birdies fink I'm tryink to eat them & fly away (I am tryink to eat them), bees stick their stinger in me, and seriously, what IS  the point of woodlice?

4. Ok, So I has to pass this award onto 7 other kitty bloggers, I'm going to try to only pass it onto those who hasn't had it before...I will find you later today after I has hunted my Easter eggs....


Saturday, 19 April 2014

Easter bunny

I don't know who dis Easter Bunny finks he is...
...if he finks he's getting in my garden he's very much mistaken.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Flower fairy...

Now it is spring I can play in the flowers and snooze in the sun and roll around in the soft warm soil...

Don't even THINK of coming up here disturbink me!!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

I spy wiv my kitty eye, somefing beginning wiv...T !

I am peeping frew your hedge Mr Neighbour...

What can I see?

I see a kitty that needs to be chased!
 Phew, I'm pooped! I needs a nap after chasing after Tommy all morning...

Monday, 14 April 2014

Can you see me?!

It was a lovely sunny day so I spent lots of time playink outside....can you see me in my hidey spot?!

I'm under here!
                      You know what I am doink? I am keeping an eye on THAT on the other side of the road.....

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Spyder cat...

I has learnt a new trick.
I was let out at 4am and got fed up of sitting on my cushion waiting to be let back in by the lazy hoomins at 6am so I trotted round to the front of the house and saw mummy & daddy had left their sleepy room window open. I climbed ALL the way up the front of the house & jumped inside.
I got lots of attenshun afterwards for beink so clever brave cheeky.
I got fed up of all the cooing after 5 seconds and climbed into Aunty Suzy's bed for a nap. The hoomins is clearly easily impressed.

Friday, 11 April 2014

V - E - T

So. THEY got back last night and I has given them the cold shoulder ever since. Auntie Lin & Uncle Roger told THEM I was the goodest boy in the world while they looked after me, despite the night I frew up on the carpet...
There was lots of letters to be opened & I gots mail too...
Today I was having my lunchtime snooze when I was wrapped up in my blankie & put in the cage. I HATE the cage, bad fings always happen when I has to go in the cage. I was taken to see Dr Jo. Again. She always sticks sharp fings in me and I HATE that too. She let me sit in the big window watching the birdies then sneeked up on me wiv her sharp fing and stabbed me in my furs! I gave her the biggest hiss and showed her all my teeths. As she let me stay in the window I let her feel my belly and look in my mouth. I didn't bite her this time, she nearly felld on the floor wiv shock. Of course I is in tip top condition, but I has plack on my tooth so I has to eat special biskits to stop it getting worse. I don't like them. I licked 3 biskits when I got home but I'm not going to eat any...

I am going to do a bit more sleeping under my blankie on the sofa to recover from my terrybull ordeal.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Holly day

Mummy and daddy have gone on holly days.....I has to stay home....I am sulking.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Where you come from?!

Will the hoomins on this street PLEASE stop bringing new kittys here! I is loosing track of who lives where....

 Seriously, I alreay has enuf trouble keeping floofy black kitty away from my noms, You two had better behave and stick to your side of the street....

Monday, 31 March 2014

How to hide - Part 2

Dear Tommy,

Do not be sad that you is a rubbish hider, we all hads to learn. I think if I shows you some of mine mistakes you will learn quicker.

Do not try to fool the hoomins that you are anyfing other than a kitty, dis will not work. Like when I pretended to be a bread roll. I made myself into the right shape and stayed VERY still in the bread basket, but they still knew it woz me.
 If the hoomins is having pizza night and you wants to spy on where they hides the leftover foods, you need to keep your head down. Is easy to forgets we have sticky uppy ears...they gives the game away....

If you wants to hide in indoor plants, you MUST pick a planty that is big enuf to cover your  HUGE butt. Also, just becoz you avoid eye contact wiv da hoomin, doesn't mean they cant sees you....

Huge butts also get in the way when trying to climb in rolled up carpets...


Hiding under a rug is not a good idea. You can sees why.

And finally, somestimes, no matter how hard we try, we just can't fit into our chosen hidy spot. Tommy, you needs to learn when to give up and find somewhere else....