Friday, 25 April 2014

I has an ouchie...

I came home at 1.15am the night before last wiv a sore bum. I has a big cut on my butt. It was so hurty that when mummy washed it wiv salt water I hissed at her. I was sooo down if the dumps I didn't go out at all on Wednesday. I stayed in mummies bed. I only ate acos she broughted me my tuna & shrimp in bed...I gobbled it all up & went back to sleep again. It seems to be healing nicely today, though the hoomins still keep pinning me down to check on it, & I HATE being pinned down.

On a happy note, I has nice neighbours...


  1. Poor Winston! Hope you heal up quickly, for spring is here and you want to be out there to explore and enjoy. Watch yourself, though, little man.

  2. Oh No! We're so sorry to hear about your ouchie, Winston. Did you get caught on something sharp? Do be careful in the future. We're glad you're mending.

    The Chans

  3. Poor kid! I hope some other cat didn't do that to you, or worse, a dog! I hope you feel better soon.

    P.S. We love the sign!

  4. We hope your ouchie heels soon Winston! No one wants to feel all hurt and always get checked on. :(.
