I tried...but I'm in trouble again...
I had a lovely sleep on the sofa after early morning mousing, and I didnt get up until well after lunch time. Mum was home all day today so we had plays, and foods and cuddles, then I went outside for a play with the leaves. When I came in I had to patrol the castle again, and guess what?!
Well I couldn't have her getting so close to my castle so I demanded to be let back out to make sure she stayed away.
I got distracted on my way over to her house and lay down in the road to scratch my back and have a roll around. This made my mummy CRAZY! She shot out after me and chased me onto the grass saying something about 'cars' and 'danger'and how I was going to give her a heart attack...
She was in the middle of another one of her BORING lectures on my behaviour when I spied Tommy at the end of the street. These pesky cats are everywhere. He spotted me too and started to run away so I ran after him at top speed. I think I heard mum sigh something like 'I give up' as she stomped back inside. I don't know what she's giving up.....boring me hopefully. I have serious cat business to attend to.
Yet again I stayed out really really late - it hasn't rained ALL day! When mum shouted me to come home for bedtimes I came
straight back, but I was a bit wild again. I launched myself at her hand
but I slipped and mums thumb hit the roof of my mouth. That made me
cross so I bited her really hard and made her bleed. I'm going to sleep on the bed with her tonight to make sure we're still
friends (she usually forgives me pretty quickly) I'll show her the photo of me when I was a few weeks old....my first night in my furrever home.....this'll melt her heart...
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(I'm practicing typing with my back feet!)
Night night Aunty Suzy, maybe I'll see you on Skype tomorrow?
xxx xxx